CrossGen Comics Database Wiki

Appearing in the 1st StoryEdit

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Synopsis for the 1st StoryEdit

A day at the street fair turns tragic. Kate's little brother, Matt, has gone missing. Five years later, the pain lingers on. Kate's grown into a troubled adolescent, who's failing her classes and seeking isolation by hiding in the closet. But there is mystery underlying Matt's disappearance.

An odd, elderly neighbor makes some fanciful claims to Kate over cookies and tea. The world of Abadazad, a fictional fantasy realm that featured in Matt's favorite stories, is real! But that's not all, Matt's been abducted into this wonderland, and Kate needs to go rescue him. It sounds like the insane ramblings of a demented old lady.

But later, when Kate receives a glowing blue orb in a package, the mystery of Abadazad cannot be denied. Seven times, the word "Abadazad" must be repeated. Then will she be carried to that "place where sorrow has no home -- where time has no meaning -- where joy lives forever!"

See Also


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